Syabira Yusoff, a KCL researcher and winner of the 13th season of “The Great British Bake Off”, answers some quick questions from Culture Editor Keir Holmes.
As she had been awarded the title of “Star Baker” no less than three times, it came as no surprise when this year’s season of “The Great British Bake Off” ended with Syabira Yusoff being crowned champion. Not only has Yusoff proven that she is an extraordinary baker to the British public, but she has also proven her academic prowess through her work at King’s College London as a Cardiovascular Research Associate.
While Yusoff has been particularly busy as of late, continuing her usual work while adjusting to her newfound fame, she has still managed to find some time to talk to us at Roar about her victory.
First of all, I just want to congratulate you on your success. How does it feel to be a Great British Bake Off winner? How was your experience as a Bake Off contestant?
It feels surreal and amazing at the same time. I came to the tent with a mindset to survive every week, then I ended up being in the final and winning. It is the best outcome I could ever imagine! It was an amazing experience and I’ve got 11 friends for life!
Out of your creations on the show, which are you most proud of? And of the baking challenges, which was your favourite and which was your least favourite?
I am very proud of my Krokan. It is a shoutout to my research background. I have a love and hate relationship with the technical challenges. I love the showstopper challenge because you can go wild with it.
Are you at all sad that this season is over?
I am sad but at the same time it is a huge relief not to keep the secret anymore!
Some former winners such as Peter Sawkins and Giuseppe Dell’Anno wrote recipe books after they won. Are you thinking of doing the same? Other than that, what do you plan on doing next?
I am thinking of doing the same approach. Hopefully, some publishers would be interested! [Other than that,] I am continuing my job as a Cardiovascular Researcher.
Final question, what advice would you give to any aspiring bakers out there?
If you love baking, keep on doing it. It is fun and rewarding. If you thinking of applying for Bake Off, just go for it. You will surprise yourself with what you can do.
You can follow Syabira Yusoff on Twitter @SyabiraBakes and on Instagram @syabira_bakes.
Former Culture Editor for Roar News.