According to national statistics, over a quarter of students have said they face sexual harassment during their time at university.
Over the last few years we have seen active campaigns taking place globally and locally to address the issue of sexual harassment on campus. From rape victims carrying around the mattresses they were raped on because their institutions refused to acknowledge or expel the perpetrators of these acts to calls for universities to provide mandatory sexual consent workshops to all students.
Kirby Dick is an award winning Academy and Emmy nominated documentary director of the new feature length documentary ‘The Hunting Ground’.  Famous for his films ‘The Invisible War’ which won the audience award at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival and investigates the epidemic of rape in the US military. ‘The Hunting Ground’ investigates the growing pandemic of sexual assault across US College Campuses.
Roar News spoke to Kirby Dick to ask why his documentary is relevant now and whether there are similarities between US and UK campuses.