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KCLSU & Societies

Joshi Declined Presidency Offer Before KCLSU Announcement

Protesters in favour of Ali as KCLSU president on Strand campus
Photo courtesy of Angelika Etherington-Smith.

Advait Joshi, who received the second most votes in the King’s College London Student Union (KCLSU) March elections, has refused to assume the office of SU president for 2024/2025. His refusal came before the announcement of Hassan Ali’s disqualification.

On 10 July, a few hours before the student body was notified about Hassan Ali’s disqualification from the 2024/2025 KCLSU election, Joshi rejected an offer to become the next President of the Student Union. Ali’s disqualification required a recount to be held excluding his votes. The new winner of the recount would have the opportunity to take office.

On Friday, 12 July, members of the KCL encampments led a protest in objection to Ali getting barred from the role.

The Protest

Beginning outside of Bush House, the protest lasted around an hour. Demonstrators chanted slogans common to those at the encampments, including calls to “free free Palestine” and for decolonisation. With this emergency rally focused on opposing the KCLSU election update, new slogans also included Hassan Ali’s name.

Speakers with megaphones recalled the advocacy efforts of past members of the Trustee Board and previous KCLSU Presidents, who also experienced a tumultuous relationship with KCLSU. The speakers demanded more transparency from KCLSU officials about the suspension of the three Student Officers, including Ali, in November. One protestor expressed: “The student officers were dismissed for five and a half months! They were suspended. For what? What was their crime?”

After 40 to 50 minutes, a group of 20 protestors moved into the KCLSU office on the seventh floor of Bush House’s South East Wing. The demonstration concluded after a brief statement at the KCLSU offices’ reception desk. Members of the security team oversaw the protest once it moved inside but did not otherwise interact with those involved.

Election Integrity?

The protest’s predominant message was that the Student Union was hypocritical, particularly regarding the elections. In their email to the student body, the KCLSU asserted that they “held well-managed, fair, free and democratic elections in March 2024”. However, they also admitted that “Although not stated on the website, this result [Ali’s victory] was provisional and not final”.

When Ali was announced as the 2024/2025 KCLSU President in an email on 15 March, he held almost a thousand more votes than the next candidate. Following the recent update about his disqualification, the presidential election results were taken down from the website. To view the initial results, click here.

Also removed was Ali’s manifesto from the Election Posts and Candidates page. The option to Re-Open Nominations (RON) is present, but clicking it leads to an inactive page. At present, the page shows no record that Ali ever ran a campaign.

Joshi was the first runner-up. He ran on the platform of a “Four-Point Plan to Build, Empower, Invest and Accommodate”.

His refusal to take office means that the KCLSU Trustees will either approach the next candidate in line or leave the office of KCLSU President vacant for the 2024/2025 academic year. In that case, a Lead Trustee would chair KCLSU meetings as the other elected VPs continue with their briefs. 

Roar has reached out to the KCLSU for comment.

Roar is following the developments regarding the KCLSU Presidency. 


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