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London to enter Tier 2 Friday at midnight; Mayor calls for ‘short national lockdown’

London to enter Tier 2 Friday at midnight; Mayor calls for “short national lockdown”

London will “face ban on indoor household mixing from midnight on Friday as it moves to Tier 2”, according to the Guardian. Citizens will reportedly be “discouraged from using public transport”, though schools, universities, businesses/venues, and places of worship will remain open. 

Health Minister Helen Whately has asked London MPs to “go out with one voice saying ‘this is what we need to do’”. In a similar vein, London Mayor Sadiq Khan Tweeted images of a letter sent to Prime Minister Boris Johnson calling for “proper financial help to all businesses and vulnerable Londoners affected by restrictions, as well as local authorities who support them” as the city enacts Tier 2 restrictions. An excerpt from the Mayor’s letter reads: “We are at an absolutely critical point in our fight against Covid-19. Across all of London cases are rapidly on the increase and urgent action is needed to prevent the virus from spiralling out of control.

“[…] London has a set of unique circumstances that must be reflected in the approach and support, including very diverse communities compared to elsewhere. The capital was hit particularly hard during the first wave with many of our communities and particularly the BAME community, suffering disproportionately. In addition, many families live in overcrowded accommodation and face high levels of homelessness and rough sleeping. Our size and density present specific challenges, with the economic case for protecting businesses in the Central Activities Zone overwhelming.

“[…] I will continue to urge Londoners to be vigilant, follow the rules and exercise caution. I accept that these new measures will impact on businesses and Londoners, but we have a joint responsibility to work together and do what we can to control this virus and save lives.”

In a statement to the London assembly at approximately 10:30, Mayor Khan reiterated the critical state of London’s Covid-19 caseload, saying it “will soon reach an average of 100 cases per 100,000”. The Mayor is also calling for “action on a national level” in the form of a short national lockdown. As stated by Khan: “Given how far the virus has already been allowed to spread – and given the government’s complete failure to get a working test, trace and isolate system in place – I believe we also need action on a national scale – just as the government’s own scientific advisors have recommended.”

MPs are reportedly being presented a set of data on Covid-19 infections in London boroughs, where cases are “doubling every 7-10 days”.

The new restrictions are unlikely to affect in-person teaching at King’s for the time being. King’s College London administration and the KCLSU have yet to comment on the issue.

Previously Editor-in-Chief of Roar News. Best Interview, SPANC 2022. Classics with English BA student, graduating Summer 2022. Perpetually caffeinated.


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