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R-rated Culture

Obsessed with film?

Well, here’s another plug for a society. Yeah, they’re everywhere, but I have a feeling we’re at home in this section.

We’re Film Soc, and we’re proud to invite everyone along to our events this year. People with better taste than I have picked a wide range of films to show every Thursday at 6pm in the Arthur and Paula Lucas lecture theatre. That basically makes us an on-campus cinema, but you’ll only need to pay £5 for a year membership, AND you can come and go as you please, PLUS we don’t hold you hostage with awkward Orange ads for half an hour.

On a side note, many thanks to anyone who attended our collaboration with Tutu’s on 4th October, where we screened 28 Days Later. It was a great evening, despite committee members appearing a little keen by dressing up, and we hope to have many other screenings like it. Our listings are a mix of things people actually pay to see, and the kind of artsy things film courses drop you in.

But don’t be put off little minions!

It’s all about expanding interests, and besides, us film students barely have a clue either. We just take out student loans to fuel our pretention.

Whatever you’re into, our next screening will be Leon on 11th October (Spoilers: Jean Reno looks weird, Gary Oldman chews the scenery, and Natalie Portman is just downright inappropriate.)

There’s also the filmmakers club for those of you power hungry enough to actually shoot something (me included.) Whether you’re a director, writer, cinematographer, editor, or just someone who dreams of unmonitored student film production, come along. We hope to give you the contacts, equipment, and expertise to get something made.

We meet at 4pm in S-1.06 on Wednesdays, so drop by, and we’ll see what we can get going.

Film Soc has the luxury of being a simple set up. We’re friendly, undemanding, and we’re here every week to show you a film.  Keep up with news by joining the Facebook group,, or following our Twitter @KCLFilmSoc. We’re very excited for this year, and look forward to meeting you all.

Many thanks, Peter Flynn (now the most undeservedly famous member of Film Soc).


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